Monday, May 26, 2008

Love it!

I just got back from a whirlwind trip to Las Vegas to see the Cirque de Soleil's "Beatles Love" show. What an incredible event! It was my first Cirque experience and I am an instant devotee. The best way I can describe it is that for nearly two hours you're living inside someone's dream. There are seemingly no limitations - beautifully costumed people are flying, dangling high in the air by one foot, swirling, twirling, dropping, climbing, soaring, falling, dancing, singing, embracing, strutting, lunging, longing. The acrobatics are breathtaking; I've never seen a more stunning group of athletes and artists. The sets, choreography, make up and props are all delicious. And to top it all off, the show is accompanied by the remixed/digitized music of the Beatles. If you're even remotely interested in seeing this show, make whatever sacrifices are necessary to get there… it's worth it.